24. apr. 2006

Regular Expression Examples

When using regular expressions (a very brief description):
  • .* = (any character)
  • $ = end of line
  • ^ = start of line
  • \1 first group in replacement.
Text: Hello my friend
Search for: (.*) my (.*)
Replace with: \2 is \1
Result: friend is hello

    18. apr. 2006

    Javascript: Show all properties for an object

    I would like to see all the properties of a given object.

    OK - Here you go:
         function popUpProperties(inobj) {
    op = window.open();
    for (objprop in inobj) {
    op.document.write(objprop + ' => ' + inobj[objprop] + '\n');


    Agile Testing: Should acceptance tests be included in the continuous build process?

    The article discusses what kind of test that's needed in a project, and what the differences are between the different kind of tests.

    Here's some hightlights:

    Unit tests run fast. If they don't run fast, they aren't unit tests.

    Other kinds of tests often masquerade as unit tests. A test is not a unit test if:
    • It talks to a database.
    • It communicates across a network.
    • It touches the file system.
    • You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing configuration files) to run it.
    Read the complete article.

    Secure your SOA

    Enterprise-grade SOAs require a plan for addressing diverse security needs

    This article is part of a series of short articles that introduce readers to the industry's various Web services standards. These articles provide a quick introduction to these standards, their backgrounds, underlying architectures, benefits, status, and industry adoption. As some of the content may be a depiction of the authors' viewpoints, readers are encouraged to refer to the links provided in Resources to gain a deeper understanding of a particular standard. This article focuses on the XML and Web services security standards that influence a service-oriented architecture. (3,200 words; April 10, 2006)"

    5. apr. 2006

    Wireless Cracking Tools - IT Observer

    Wireless Cracking Tools - IT Observer
    By Bradley Morgan
    Wednesday, 29 March 2006 10:44 EST

    By familiarizing yourself with following software, you will not only have a better understanding of the vulnerabilities inherent in 802.11 networks, but you will also get a glimpse at how a hacker might exploit them. These tools can even be used when auditing your own network as we will see later.

    Another list of wardriving tools

    (For a detailed description - click the link)