7. nov. 2008

Understanding your visitors

Original post

Why are people leaving your site?

For instance, you can use Google Analytics for tracking where people clicked.

28. jun. 2008

Disable Windows XP stamping reading files

Whenever XP reads a file, it stamps the file with the date and time of the access. This feature has its place but is not required for normal use unless you rely on the date of last access for backup purposes, which is a rare requirement for most backups. Putting a timestamp a file that has just been read means that a write access has to be made to disk, so every time a read is executed, a corresponding write is also executed.

At the command prompt, enter the following then reboot;

FSUTIL behavior set disablelastaccess 1

Those of us who read and write English need to take note of the American spelling of the BEHAVIOR parameter.

To turn timestamps back on, repeat the command but replace the 1 with 0.

25. jun. 2008

Reduce Windows shutdown time

To reduce the timeout Windows XP has for unfinished programs, you may edit it in the registry in milliseconds at the location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop editing the value WaitToKillAppTimeout.

Ny blog - Fototips

Jeg har oprettet en ny blog som skal handle om fotografering og billedmanipulation.

Se den her: http://fustphoto.blogspot.com

8. apr. 2008

Eclipse Keytool plugin has moved

The Eclipse Keytool I've made, has moved to http://keytool.sourceforge.net

Feel free to download it, and give your comments.
It's also possible to download it as a application just containing Keytool.


  • Export certificate, with or without the private key.
  • Create certificate.
  • Create keystore.
  • Open existing keystore.
  • View all available information about every certificate.
  • Open existing certificate. Default with the extension .cer.
  • View list of certificates in a keystore.
  • Handles JKS and PKCS #12.
  • Show which certificate in a keystore where you have the private key.
  • Filemonitoring, to monitor changes in keystores.
  • Default opening a keystore every time Eclipse starts.