3. nov. 2006

Choose (and remember) great passwords

A secure, memorable password is easy for you to remember, and hard for others to guess.

This article gives you some good hints on how to create your password.

  • Don't use the same password for everything.
  • Remember 100 different passwords with 1 rule set.

Sounds too good to be true?
Actually no - read the article...

9. okt. 2006

Debugging webservices

Nowadays everything in this SOA age (Service Oriented Arhitecture) is developed as webservices.
There's a lot of frameworks that hides the specific implementation so often you ask:

What do I send to that webservice, and what do the service return?

For that sake, there's a fantastic tool called tcpmon, which can be started as Java Webstart.
Here you make a proxy where you specify a localport where tcpmon listens, and which server/port the real service is implemented. Tcpmon then shows exactly what is transmitted to the service and what is received.

Right now I have the problem that we're using a proxy, so tcpmon can't see the destination service (it's through VPN).
I can see the server in my browser, so I looked up the proxy in my browsers configuration (was webproxy:8080) and tried starting up tcpmon with -Dhttp.proxyHost=webproxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080, but still it won't work...

The solution is actually very simple:
  1. Start the application with: -Dhttp.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=8888 (Now we use tcpmon as proxy)

  2. In tcpmon start a new connection with: (the proxy now uses a proxy :-)
    Server NameProxyserver (in my case webproxy)
    Server PortProxyserverport (in my case 8080)

You now don't have to change the endpoint of the service, because it automatically routes though tcpmon!
Voila! Mission accomplished!

27. sep. 2006

Fire onChange in Javascript programmatically

I want to fire onChange method on an object programmatically in Javascript.

FireFox and Internet Explorer handles this very differently.
If you for example sets the value on an object you might expect that the onChange method is fired, but sorry... no firering...

The solution is this in Javascript:
function newValueForObject {
var myObject = document.getElementById(nameOfObject);
myObject.value = 'a new value';

if (myObject.hasAttribute) { // Firefox
} else if (myObject.onchange) { // IE
var newEvt = document.createEventObject();
myObject.fireEvent("onchange", newEvt);

23. aug. 2006

WindowsDevCenter.com -- How to Remove Startup Programs

This article tells you how to remove Windows Startup programs.
Please help me speed up my Windows startup time!

For example look into:
%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Or in the registry:

16. jun. 2006

HOWTO: Pick an open source license

This article is about how to choose an open source license.
It can be boiled down to this decisiontree, but check the link to see examples.
How should I choose an open source license?

Do you want to release any control over how your code is used and distributed?
  • YES: Don't copyright it. Put it in the public domain, and you're done.

  • NO: Copyright the code (paste copyright notices all over it)

    Do you want to allow people to use your code in non open-source programs?
    • NO: Release your code under the GPL licence

    • YES: If somebody uses your code in their program and sells their program for money, do you want some of that money?
      • YES: Two choices:
        1. Don't release it as open source

        2. Dual license

      • NO: "Commercial friendly" license

        If somebody uses your code and improves it (fixes bugs or adds features) do you want to make them give you the improvements back so you can use them too?
        • YES: Use a "reciprocal" license.

        • NO: Use a "non-reciprocal" license.

HOWTO: Pick an open source license (part 1) | Ed Burnette's Dev Connection | ZDNet.com

24. apr. 2006

Regular Expression Examples

When using regular expressions (a very brief description):
  • .* = (any character)
  • $ = end of line
  • ^ = start of line
  • \1 first group in replacement.
Text: Hello my friend
Search for: (.*) my (.*)
Replace with: \2 is \1
Result: friend is hello

    18. apr. 2006

    Javascript: Show all properties for an object

    I would like to see all the properties of a given object.

    OK - Here you go:
         function popUpProperties(inobj) {
    op = window.open();
    for (objprop in inobj) {
    op.document.write(objprop + ' => ' + inobj[objprop] + '\n');


    Agile Testing: Should acceptance tests be included in the continuous build process?

    The article discusses what kind of test that's needed in a project, and what the differences are between the different kind of tests.

    Here's some hightlights:

    Unit tests run fast. If they don't run fast, they aren't unit tests.

    Other kinds of tests often masquerade as unit tests. A test is not a unit test if:
    • It talks to a database.
    • It communicates across a network.
    • It touches the file system.
    • You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing configuration files) to run it.
    Read the complete article.

    Secure your SOA

    Enterprise-grade SOAs require a plan for addressing diverse security needs

    This article is part of a series of short articles that introduce readers to the industry's various Web services standards. These articles provide a quick introduction to these standards, their backgrounds, underlying architectures, benefits, status, and industry adoption. As some of the content may be a depiction of the authors' viewpoints, readers are encouraged to refer to the links provided in Resources to gain a deeper understanding of a particular standard. This article focuses on the XML and Web services security standards that influence a service-oriented architecture. (3,200 words; April 10, 2006)"

    5. apr. 2006

    Wireless Cracking Tools - IT Observer

    Wireless Cracking Tools - IT Observer
    By Bradley Morgan
    Wednesday, 29 March 2006 10:44 EST

    By familiarizing yourself with following software, you will not only have a better understanding of the vulnerabilities inherent in 802.11 networks, but you will also get a glimpse at how a hacker might exploit them. These tools can even be used when auditing your own network as we will see later.

    Another list of wardriving tools

    (For a detailed description - click the link)

    25. jan. 2006

    The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code - Joel on Software

    The quick way to check how good a software team is.

    The Joel Test
    1. Do you use source control?
    2. Can you make a build in one step?
    3. Do you make daily builds?
    4. Do you have a bug database?
    5. Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
    6. Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
    7. Do you have a spec?
    8. Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
    9. Do you use the best tools money can buy?
    10. Do you have testers?
    11. Do new candidates write code during their interview?
    12. Do you do hallway usability testing?
    For every yes you get a point.
    12 points: Perfect!
    11 points: Tolerable...
    10 points or lower: Get startet!!!

    Joel has a good description to every item, so check it out.

    Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

    This article gives you a brief introduction on how-to use AJAX.

    The author (Eric Pascarello) has kindly zipped the example:

    Of course a good place to start is by this book:
    Ajax in Action
    See two sample chapters: http://www.manning.com/books/crane/chapters