24. nov. 2004

Link: Effective Java - Tips & tricks - What about equals()?

Effective Java: "Joshua Bloch's book Effective Java Programming Language Guide" is about tips and tricks about java.

This book i really recommend.

The only thing is, that the implementation of equals should be made different.

In stead of:

public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (! (o instanceof MyObject)) {
return false;
MyObject other = (MyObject) o;
return (value == null ? other.value == null :


public boolean equals(Object o) {
if ((o == null) || (this.getClass() != o.getClass())) {
return false;
MyObject other = (MyObject) o;
return (value == null ? other.value == null :

The reason to use getClass() instead of instanceof, is the problem when you have inheritance.
The equals must be symmetric, which means if a.equals(b) then b.equals(c) must be true.


... Class A...
public boolean equalsFalse(Object o) {
if (! (o instanceof A)) {
return false;

... Class B extends A...
public boolean equalsFalse(Object o) {
if (! (o instanceof B)) {
return false;

In this case this would happen:

A a = new A();
B b = new B();

a.equals(b); <- would return true
b.equals(a); <- would return false

If you use getClass() you will instead get:

a.equals(b); <- would return false
b.equals(a); <- would return false.
Which means the symmetric isn't broke!

I've made some tests that shows that getClass() takes about 7% longer time to evaluate than instanceof.
But this is a price I would like to pay to be sure that I don't have any problems with inheritance.

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